ITask Interface

Represents a WBS task or branch (WBS node) in an estimate.
Public Interface ITask
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public interface ITask
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Name Description
Public property DepthLevel Gets the depth level of this task in the WBS tree.
Public property Guid Gets the unique identifier of this task that will NEVER change (not HexID). It is simply the value of the 'WBS_Guid' field.
Public property HexID Gets a 24 characters long hexadecimal unique identifier of the task/branch.
Public property Kind Gets the type of this task in the WBS tree.
Public property Minute Gets the minute belonging to the task. Branches don't have a minute.
Public property ParentTask Gets the parent branch of this task/branch in WBS tree.
Public property SubTasks Gets the sub-tasks/sub-branches of this branch/task in WBS tree.
Public property Wbs Gets the WBS to which this task/branch belongs.
Public property WbsVariables Gets the WBS variables of this task.
Name Description
Public method CreateNewSubTask() Creates a new sub-task below this task, at the depth level of this task + 1.
Public method DeleteTask(bool, bool) Deletes this task and its content. If the task contains sub-tasks, they will be deleted as well.
Public method GetBlob(string) Reads the content of the blob belonging to the specified WBS field in this task.
Public method GetBlob(string, ref string) Reads the content of the blob belonging to the specified WBS field in this task.
Public method GetCommentRows() Gets all 'comment rows' of the task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description.
Public method GetFieldValue(string, PositionInWbsBranch) Gets the content of a task's field cell directly from a workbook.
Public method GetFieldsValuesFromDb(List<String>) Reads values from several fields in this task directly from database.
Public method SetCommentRows(ITaskCommentRows) Sets all 'comment rows' of the task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description.
Public method SetFieldValue(string, object, PositionInWbsBranch) Writes a value to a task field cell, directly to a workbook.
Public method SetFieldsValuesToDb(Dictionary<StringObject>) Writes values to several fields in this task. Provides a fast way to write directly to the database.
Public method StoreBlob(string, byte[]) Writes a blob to the specified WBS field in this task.
Public method StoreBlob(string, byte[], string) Writes a blob to the specified WBS field in this task.
In QDV GUI, a WBS tree consists of two kinds of nodes - branches (or chapters) and tasks. Branches are non-terminal nodes that don't have any minute and they have one or more sub-tasks/sub-branches. Tasks are terminal leaf nodes, that have one minute and no sub-tasks. The root node is considered as a branch. Both branches and tasks are represented by this ITask. You can use the Kind property to determine whether it is a branch or a task.

There are also special kinds of tasks - virtual tasks that don't really exist in an estimate. They serve as just parents for the minute in Database of the estimate (HexID=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) or for Overhead costs minute (HexID=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ).

Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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