IEstimateVersion.SetMinuteFieldValueUponCriteria Method

Sets value to fields in minutes, globally, according to a criteria.
Function SetMinuteFieldValueUponCriteria( _ 
ByVal IdentifyFields As Dictionary(Of String, Object), _ 
ByVal Updatefields As Dictionary(Of String, Object), _ 
Optional ByVal Excludefields As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = Nothing, _ 
Optional ByVal ComputeRowsDirectly As Boolean = False _ 
) As Integer
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int SetMinuteFieldValueUponCriteria( 
Dictionary<string, object> IdentifyFields
Dictionary<string, object> Updatefields
Dictionary<string, object> Excludefields = Nothing, 
bool ComputeRowsDirectly = False 
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Dictionary<string, object>

A dictionary of string values which is used to identify the rows. The ID is the mnemonic of the string field and the value is the expected value being in the string field. This is case sensitive. When the value matches, the row is updated. If this dictionary is empty, all available rows will be updated.

Dictionary<string, object>

A dictionary of objects where the ID is the mnemonic of the field to update and the value is the object value to store to the field. Can be either a string, a number, a date or an object of type IGanttTasksAssignation .

Dictionary<string, object>

Optional. A dictionary of string values which is used to exclude the rows. The ID is the mnemonic of the string field and the value is the expected value being in the string field. This is case sensitive. When the value matches, the row is not updated regardless what is set in IdentifyFields.


Optional. When false (default) rows are flagged to be recalculated latter. This is faster but needs a compute cost or compute all afterward.

Return Value


Returns the number of updated rows.

Exception type Condition


A problem occurred.

Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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