IScenario Interface

Represents a scenario.
Public Interface IScenario
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public interface IScenario
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Name Description
Public property Name Gets the scenario name.
Public property ParentName Gets the scenario parent name.
Public property Values Gets the scenario values for individual tasks.
Name Description
Public method GetValueForTask(ITask) Gets the scenario value for a specific task. If a value (ScenarioTaskItem.Quantity) is not defined in the scenario for the task, the corresponding property is set to NegativeInfinity.
Public method GetValueForTaskByGuid(string) Gets the scenario value for a specific task. If a value (ScenarioTaskItem.Quantity) is not defined in the scenario for the task, the corresponding property is set to NegativeInfinity.
Public method GetValueForTaskByHexID(string) Gets the scenario value for a specific task. If a value (ScenarioTaskItem.Quantity) is not defined in the scenario for the task, the corresponding property is set to NegativeInfinity.
Available since QDV 7.18.685.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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