IGanttItemInfo Interface

Represents a Gantt item which can be either a task or a group.
Public Interface IGanttItemInfo
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public interface IGanttItemInfo
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Name Description
Public property ASAP Gets or sets the ASAP (as soon as possible) flag.
Public property DescriptionText Gets or sets the description text of the item (task or group).
Public property DurationInDays Gets or sets the duration as days of the task item.
Public property DurationMode Gets or sets the task duration mode.
Public property DurationType Gets or sets the task duration type.
Public property EndDate Gets or sets the end date of the task item.
Public property HammockChildTasks Gets the child items, if this task is a hammock task.
Public property IsGroup Gets or sets a value indicating whether the instance is a group or a task.
Public property IsMilestone Gets or sets the Milestone flag.
Public property Owner Gets or sets the owner of the item (task or group).
Public property ParentIdentifier Gets the identifier of the parent (group) of the item.
Public property RowOrderForWbsOrientedDiagram Gets or sets position of the row of the item in a WBS oriented diagram.
Public property RowPosition Gets row position of the item.
Public property StartDate Gets or sets the start date of the task item.
Public property TaskRelations Gets or sets the list of task relations (dependencies).
Public property UniqueIdentifier Gets or sets the unique identifier to the item (task or group).
Name Description
Public method AddHammockChildTask(string) Adds a specified task as a child item of this hammock task. The child tasks are stored in the HammockChildTasks property.
Public method AddTaskRelation(string, GanttTaskRelationType, GanttTaskRelationMode) Adds a new task relation (dependency) into this item. The relation is added in the TaskRelations property.
Public method AddTaskRelation(string, GanttTaskRelationType, GanttTaskRelationMode, double) Adds a new task relation (dependency) into this item. The relation is added in the TaskRelations property.
Public method RemoveAllHammockChildTasks() Removes all hammock child tasks. The child tasks are stored in the HammockChildTasks property.
Any changes made in this object are not automatically reflected in the Gantt diagram. You need to call IGantt.WriteItemToGanttDiagram method to apply the changes.
Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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