IEstimate Interface

Represents an estimate in QDV.
Public Interface IEstimate 
Inherits IMacroProvider
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public interface IEstimate : IMacroProvider
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Name Description
Public property Anomalies Gets all anomalies added by the last request (with an "Append_Anomaly_List" verb) that was executed in the current macro.
Public property BuiltInFunctions Gets the functionality of the built-in functions that are normally accessible via buttons on sheets.
Public property CurrentVersion Gets the current (active) estimate version object.
Public property DbConnection Gets the direct access to the database connection.
Public property DistributionCurves Gets the distribution curves in this estimate.
Public property EstimateVersions Gets a dictionary representing all versions, including progress statements being in the estimate file.
Public property FullPath Gets the original or last saved path to the estimate .qdv file.
Public property IsDirty Gets a value indicating whether the estimate was modified and not saved.
Public property MacroList Gets the list of all macros and requests available in the provider. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public property MinutesColumnMappings Gets columns definitions of the minutes.
Public property ModifiedFieldsCount Gets the number of fields changed by the current macro.
Public property ModifiedGlobalVarsCount Gets the number of global variables changed by the current macro.
Public property NeedsRecalculateCosts Determines whether the costs in some minute rows MIGHT need to be recalculated.
Public property NeedsRecalculateSellingPrices Determines whether the selling prices in some minute rows MIGHT need to be recalculated.
Public property Options Gets the estimate options.
Public property OriginalPathFromQdv7Protocol Gets the original path used to open the estimate when QDV was invoked from a web page using the protocol with a "qdv7://" prefix.
Public property Scenarios Gets the access to the scenarios in this estimate.
Public property Sharing Gets the access to the task sharing functionality.
Public property UserProfiles Gets the user profiles in this estimate.
Public property WbsFieldsRepository Gets the repository which provides access to WBS fields in this estimate and to their management.
Name Description
Public method ActivateTab(EstimateTab) Activates the specified tab if it exists and the estimate window is shown.
Public method BeginTransaction(string) Starts a database transaction for this estimate's underlying database.
Public method CheckAndRepaint() Triggers a full check and repaint of the estimate as if the 'Check and Repaint' button was pressed in QDV.
Public method Close() Closes the estimate and releases memory.
Public method CommitTransaction() Commits the current database transaction, if any is pending, for this estimate's underlying database.
Public method DeleteVersion(VersionDeleteAction) Deletes the estimate version.
Public method DisplayAnomalies(IEnumerable<Anomaly>) Displays a window with a list of anomalies added by a request or a macro. The window allows to click on an anomaly which will navigate directly to the affected line in the estimate.
Public method DisplayVersion(int) Displays the specified estimate version in a new window.
Public method ExtractFileFromEstimate(string, string, bool) Extract a file previously stored into an estimate.
Public method FreezeCurrentVersion(string) Freezes the current version so that it cannot be modified.
Public method GetActiveMinuteWorkbook(bool) Gets the workbook of currently active minute.
Public method GetGanttMode() Gets the Gantt mode of the estimate.
Public method GetListOfEmbeddedFiles() Gets a list of all embedded files in the estimate.
Public method GetMacro(string, string, bool) Gets a macro from the macro provider and saves it to a file. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public method GetMinutesFieldManager() Gets a minutes field manager for fields in this estimate.
Public method GetMinutesFieldManager(string) Gets a minutes field manager for a set of fields in this estimate.
Public method GetPdfFromReport(string, ReportProperties) Returns a PDF file based on a report profile (PFL).
Public method GetReportWorkbook(IExportType, string, ReportProperties) Returns a Spreadsheet Gear workbook based on a report profile (PFL).
Public method GetSetOfFieldsInfo() Obsolete. Gets the information about all sets of fields in the estimate.
Public method GetSharingUsers() Obsolete. Gets the access to the task sharing functionality. This is simply the same as the Sharing property.
Public method GetVersion(int) Gets the estimate version with specified version number.
Public method HasBoq() Determines whether the estimate has the "Use BOQ" feature activated.
Public method ImportWbsAndMinutesContent(string) Imports the WBS tasks and Minutes content from a foreign estimate. This includes the database of the estimate and the Overhead minute if any.
Public method ImportWbsContentOnly(string) Imports the WBS content from a foreign estimate. Only the task structure is imported and all minutes are cleared.
Public method IsConnectedToManagement() Indicates whether the estimate is currently connected to a management database (basic management or ProMo+).
Public method IsCurrentVersionFrozen() Indicates whether the current version is frozen.
Public method MacroExists(string) Determines whether a macro with specified ID exists in the macro provider. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public method MakeVersionActive(int, string, string, bool, bool) Makes the specified estimate version active.
Public method MoveCursorToMinuteRowColumn(ITask, int, string) Moves the cursor to a specified location.
Public method PushNewProgress(string, string, bool, bool) Pushes a new progress derived from the current WBS.
Public method PushNewVersion(string, string, bool, bool) Pushes a new version derived from the current WBS.
Public method RaiseEvent(string) Raises the specified event for this estimate.
Public method ReadFromManagementDatabase() Synchronizes the estimate with management databases (basic management or ProMo+). Reads values only.
Public method RecordArticle(ITask, int, int, string, bool) Records an article in a database.
Public method RefreshAll(bool) Refreshes all lists in the current estimate and the current version such as versions, global variables, mapping of minutes and WBS, the tasks tree, user profiles, distribution curves, etc.
Public method RemoveFileFromEstimate(string) Remove an existing file from the estimate.
Public method RemoveMacro(string) Removes a macro. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public method RenameMacro(string, string) Renames a macro. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public method RepaintCurrentView() Repaints the current estimate view in QDV GUI.
Public method ResetModifiedDataCounters() Resets the counters for Fields modified and Global variables modified.
Public method RollbackTransaction() Rolls back the current database transaction, if any is pending, for this estimate's underlying database.
Public method RunExcelMacro(string, bool, ICallingContext) Executes an Excel macro.
Public method RunQdvMacro(string, ref MacroExecutionError, ICallingContext) Executes a QDV macro.
Public method RunQdvRequest(string, int, int, int, ref MacroExecutionError) Executes a QDV request. If any anomalies are added by the request, a window with the list will be automatically displayed when the request has finished.
Public method RunQdvRequest(string, int, int, int, ref MacroExecutionError, bool) Executes a QDV request. If any anomalies are added by the request, a window with the list will be optionally displayed when the request has finished.
Public method RunQdvRequest(string, string, bool, bool, ref MacroExecutionError, bool) Executes a QDV request. If any anomalies are added by the request, a window with the list will be optionally displayed when the request has finished.
Public method Save() Saves the estimate to disk.
Public method SaveMacro(string, string, string) Saves a macro into the macro owner. (inherited from IMacroProvider).
Public method SetMacroButton(int, int, string, string, string, int) Adds / Defines a macro button and places it in the Automation menu.
Public method StoreFileToEstimate(string, string, string) Store any file as embedded data in the estimate.
Public method WriteToManagementDatabase(ref List<String>) Synchronizes the estimate with management databases (basic management or ProMo+). Writes values only.
Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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